I create space to curate, compere, moderate conversations on countryside and environmental issuesÂ

Conference, event, meeting – what my Curate | Convene | Moderate services can do for you (a 90sec vlog)
Upcoming: Leading a walk and talk 14 March 2025 (Crickhowell Walking Festival). Hosting a farming panel at a River Summit (London) 8th July
Speaking | hosting | moderating: My opening session at Carbon Calling farming conf here, leading an open mic session on Rural Futures, compering a curlew workshop day, hosting a workshop on Alliances for Conservation at an Irish Land event and at this workshop/conf at Aberystwyth Univ
Plus a fringe event at a political party conf (Liverpool), a bilateral conference on salmon (Hampshire); a congress on wildlife/hunting (Paris), a national wildfire conf (Wales), Changing Landscapes conf (Ireland), talk at the Agricultural Law Association (London), and a novel session at Groundswell (Herts)
Learning Guest editing this short film on land use. Forestry at the Royal Welsh. Hosting a conversation event. A landscape event.
Letters published in The Times: bats, moorland, stoats, pesticides, poultry, invasive species (more here)
Other: Defra launches Land Use Framework consultation – closes 25 April.
‘What is environmental diplomacy?’ a podcast with me on ‘8point9.com’ – the 15min excerpt below:

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