Creative disruption

“/ disruptor /: a person or thing that prevents something, especially a system, process, or event, from continuing as usual or as expected”. Some creative thoughts for 2025 : click those pics+ for links AGM (active game management) Being invited to address a Scottish wildlife manager‘s AGM gave me an opportunity to explore some topics … Continue reading Creative disruption

West coast thinking

“Why not come over to Ireland to participate in our ‘Changing Landscapes’ conference and summer school”. And so I headed west – while diverting on the way to garner some relevant field intel. Rocky terrain I probably overinvest in ‘field intel’; visiting people on their own turf* to glean information as to what they really … Continue reading West coast thinking

Field intel east

Time to get off the mountain. Close the gap between years’ of telephone conversations and direct messages. A road trip around East Anglia listening, face to face, to what people think rather than what they say. A brief history to ‘field intel’ trips. My first one was along The Marches via train and bike. The … Continue reading Field intel east


A steep hillside opposite my home office is sprouting with young trees. Bracken race Fighting to get away from native prehistoric bracken, avoid the odd deer, an experiment is unfolding. Public grant aided, carbon paid-up, charity funded, ‘feel-good‘ rights (listen from 40min) cashed in, volunteers on call all coming together in an innovative project. Money … Continue reading Silvo-agro-carbo-tree

Monbiot, 2013

My interview with George Monbiot was conducted in Sept 2013 and was first published in BBC Countryfile magazine. Rob Yorke (RY): Where did you spend your childhood? George Monbiot (GM): I was brought up in the Oxfordshire countryside next to an old golf course that had returned, I suppose rewilded, to an amazing habitat mix … Continue reading Monbiot, 2013

Join the dots

My face-to-face ‘field intel’ trips provide enlightenment as to what people really think. Conversations can be so different in the field than online or indoors. This road trip (aka ‘field intel’) between lockdowns showed me how land managers, academics, govt, activists might exchange insight from different views. A previous intel trip along the Marches garnered … Continue reading Join the dots

Gove green

An exclusive interview with a previous Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs – Michael Gove for BBC Countryfile Magazine (first published Feb 2018) RY (Rob Yorke): Firstly, what are your personal connections to rural Britain and where do you love to walk? MG (Michael Gove): Both sides of my family have … Continue reading Gove green