Nature with teeth

7 thoughts on “Nature with teeth”

  1. My hope is you’ll become a bit more passionate, shout louder and get yourself on telly. Then not blowing it by sitting on the fence.

  2. Could you explain a bit about ‘…rubbishing others’ ideas’ and can you explain if you have some kind of personal problem about George Monbiot. I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here; I do know that existing re-wilding is being done extremely carefully, and that we can’t let the fear of imperfection deter greater and more urgent effort.

    1. I don’t read expressing one’s alternative views as “rubbishing”. Nor do I think requesting personal views on individuals from the author adds value to discussions, rather it distracts.

    2. Mike. Thanks for your comment. Did you click the links? If Eco-modernism seeks to release land to rewild, rather than tear down the ideology behind it, can we be critical but still with shared aims in achieving the goal. If Matt Ridley offered part of his grouse moor for rewilding, would you reject it because of what he stood for?
      I have no truck with George Monbiot, I’ve interviewed him and here I continue to liaise with him on relevant issues (such as research in 4th last link in my blog above) and respect his valid role.
      What I do fear is that we surround ourselves with disciples. Hearing only what we wish to hear, not being open to ‘critical friend’ input – lack incisive critical thinking. I’m sure George can easily take this from me My aim – repeated in this blog – is to engage as many of possible diverse viewpoints to achieve the greater good of more wildlife habitat without anyone ‘voice’ seeking to ‘own’ the process.
      Come to the Black Mountains in Feb/March 2016 to chew-the-cud (sheep-free)

  3. The rewilding proposal appears to be based on the assumption that it will progress in Scotland. Is my assumption correct?

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