Rose-tinted glasses

I’m getting unbridled joy from my new purchase, a pair of second hand binoculars, which I bought to reward myself after undertaking a tough session of environmental dialogue brokering in Brussels. Hardware harm Using binoculars can be a badge. I’m a nature watcher. I’m a hunter. Though of course you can be both (I wrote … Continue reading Rose-tinted glasses

Hunting bio-intactness

When travelling on some highways, you can feel hemmed in. That’s because of the fencing erected to prevent wildlife from colliding with humans. In other areas, wildlife helps itself to unprotected spaces. Biodiversity Intactness Index In another country, way down in the southern hemisphere, Namibian wildlife roams free over highways. Not in protected areas, but … Continue reading Hunting bio-intactness

Nature-based chainsaws

Humans have a tendency not to do something unless it’s easy. From bread-makers, recycling rules, planting trees or engaging with environmental media; we want it fuss-free. Obtuse nature “Some of the stuff you write is impenetrable, Rob”. And perhaps surprisingly, I agree. While unsurprisingly, it’s easier to scroll a twitter feed and editorialised media headlines, … Continue reading Nature-based chainsaws

Green axe challenge

Chopping wood this week made me think about parallels on writing my blog to reflect the past year while looking forward to the next year (2022). Celebrate what’s been learned. Acknowledge the knotty stuff. Not take for granted any sweet spots. Reading the grain to cleave out workable pragmatic solutions. All of which, not surprisingly, … Continue reading Green axe challenge

Gutenberg moment

I thought I could get away with it. Remain objective, unemotional even, coolly and scientifically detached about change in the countryside. But I was wrong. (updated 17.4.23, 13.2.24) It was working on an interview with Professor Tim Benton. The enormity and range of issues on which change is happening. At the same time, rewiring our … Continue reading Gutenberg moment