Piccadilly Marches

Oh, the bright lights of London blended with conversations about the environment! It’s where people live, some environmental organisations have their offices, books are launched, and rural government civil servants work. A melting pot of an urbanising nation who have long disengaged with the land, food and nature. Ouch! No, this is not about the … Continue reading Piccadilly Marches


Talking. Thinking. This is an experiment. An adaptive blog page linked to my 60 sec vlogs. Here’s an intro vlog. It’s a space to explain thinking, tease out nuance, refer to evidence, apologise for mistakes, link to articles, a place for pushback and feedback – brokering towards diverse dialogues not ideologues. Tribal pollinator Tribalism is … Continue reading Typing…

Media mania

My first tweet 11 years ago didn’t sell for millions this week little blue bird moment’s finger-on-the-pulse scan diversity of views, with tolerance like with care bookmark to read, learn retweet, critical thinking curate with time – take a beat – post beware rabbit holes, be curious DM to engage, speak on a phone walk, … Continue reading Media mania