Thorny hedges, updated

A pair of nesting long-tailed tits flags up the importance of hedgerows, including debate over their management. Mine’s a lichen Long-tailed tits are unmistakable. Bustling with extraordinary energy, their nest activity in a rose-infused thorn-meshed hedge which I struggle to manage, provides joy to many. While adjusting the nature cam, they would scold me, yet … Continue reading Thorny hedges, updated

Fey living

An unpublished letter to the Times Literary Supplement in response to an opinion article on the ‘latest crop of nature-writing books’ Dear Sir While Nick Groom found ‘fey living’ on a retro-farmed wheat field preferable to a ‘teen fantasy’ of rewilding, both his oversimplification and polarised nature of the piece made it almost misleading. It didn’t start well. … Continue reading Fey living

Digging dialogue

We need better social science to work closer with farmers and land managers – many of whom are conservationists. The pressures on farmers today are immense. Working out how farmers think is a seriously ignored matter and requires us to come closer together to work on common ground issues. Alas, there is still too much fear around being seen to agree … Continue reading Digging dialogue

Elite nature

On ringing the head office to query the language in the ‘Bob for Nature’ campaign letter I received.  Could someone please explain this sentence to me: “despite our efforts…..ancient woodlands destroyed, hedgerows flailed and uprooted, fields forsaken – and a staggering 60% of our species in decline”? They were most apologetic. It was not intended … Continue reading Elite nature

Pollinators: without labels

When I chaired a discussion on the National Pollinator Strategy in Oct 2016, things unfolded differently to what delegates expected. The Public Policy Exchange framed the conference around two words. Exchange – as in knowledge sharing, and communities. To include a diverse range of farming, urban, scientific, political, research council, environmental, farm advisor and beekeeper interests. Diversity … Continue reading Pollinators: without labels

Trusting times

Farm tenancies for a pound, controversial views on farming subsidies, ‘pricing out’ upland farmers – the National Trust hasn’t held back from headlines this year.                    (Updating Aug 17, Sept 19, Jan 20 infinitum) A quarter of a century ago, I worked for the trust as an … Continue reading Trusting times

Collective skills

Smarter engagement and co-design with more land managers could deliver more wildlife. Sometimes at little public cost. The collective skills, ‘public goods’ to use the modern parlance, of which farmers and land managers hold, have huge untapped environmental benefit. “I wonder if we recognise the tens of thousands of farmers in our own country as … Continue reading Collective skills

Bypassing fear

I’ve been coming up against a lot of fear recently. Fear of hearing about rewilding, fear of talk around predator control, fear within politics. We can outwit it. No one has said anything explicit, but I perceive there are some that dislike my providing the issue of rewilding with any airtime at all. The label, … Continue reading Bypassing fear