Agri-tech 4 nature

What do an umbrella, forage harvester and wild flower meadow have in common? The answer is delivering more nature through improved soil biology, land for ‘wild nature’ and habitat for pollinators – all via ‘agri-tech’ innovation. So, further to my 90sec vlog, I’ll unpack my thinking below. Feel free to comment below! Climate shade We … Continue reading Agri-tech 4 nature

Rose-tinted glasses

I’m getting unbridled joy from my new purchase, a pair of second hand binoculars, which I bought to reward myself after undertaking a tough session of environmental dialogue brokering in Brussels. Hardware harm Using binoculars can be a badge. I’m a nature watcher. I’m a hunter. Though of course you can be both (I wrote … Continue reading Rose-tinted glasses

Hunting bio-intactness

When travelling on some highways, you can feel hemmed in. That’s because of the fencing erected to prevent wildlife from colliding with humans. In other areas, wildlife helps itself to unprotected spaces. Biodiversity Intactness Index In another country, way down in the southern hemisphere, Namibian wildlife roams free over highways. Not in protected areas, but … Continue reading Hunting bio-intactness

Curate’s egg

Just how tricky it is to design new agricultural and environmental policies. Simultaneously. When the Soil Association goes nuts with Defra over a picture of a combine, the Commons Enviro Committee feature an elephant as twitter cover for a report on consumption, Clarkson’s a policy influencer and laconic popstars front up COP26 on food – … Continue reading Curate’s egg


Talking. Thinking. This is an experiment. An adaptive blog page linked to my 60 sec vlogs. Here’s an intro vlog. It’s a space to explain thinking, tease out nuance, refer to evidence, apologise for mistakes, link to articles, a place for pushback and feedback – brokering towards diverse dialogues not ideologues. Tribal pollinator Tribalism is … Continue reading Typing…

Media mania

My first tweet 11 years ago didn’t sell for millions this week little blue bird moment’s finger-on-the-pulse scan diversity of views, with tolerance like with care bookmark to read, learn retweet, critical thinking curate with time – take a beat – post beware rabbit holes, be curious DM to engage, speak on a phone walk, … Continue reading Media mania

Fish slapping

Myanmar, with all its complex history, raw resources, ‘wet markets’ and emerging economy, gripped me on a trip into its heartland at Inle Lake. It’s 2013 and we are in Burma. Or, as I should now call it Myanmar. Especially when within earshot of the sunglass-wearing officials as we hand over the cash. Tourists pay … Continue reading Fish slapping

Gove green

An exclusive interview with a previous Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs – Michael Gove for BBC Countryfile Magazine (first published Feb 2018) RY (Rob Yorke): Firstly, what are your personal connections to rural Britain and where do you love to walk? MG (Michael Gove): Both sides of my family have … Continue reading Gove green